Monday, August 29, 2016

1 comment:

  1. Regan Saldana- Are Drug Companies Overcharging?

    Medications like the EpiPen have been on the prescription drug market for decades and drug companies continue to fluctuate the price of such products throughout the years. But in the past decade, drug companies have increased prices on not only products like the EpiPen, but many other life saving and emergency drugs. The EpiPen has gone from the price of $100 to $600 in the past nine years. Because many of these companies test experimental drugs and invest in many developments, prices on their other drugs depend on the outcome of the trials. Recently many companies have began to profit more to 'cover the cost of experimental trials' while patients continue to pay more for drugs they are dependent on.

    In this article, at risk patients/ consumers of these life saving products are spending more and more on life saving medications. This article raises awareness of the need for transparency in what drug companies are really charging consumers for and if this is ethical to people in need. This is a recent concern to the public but many consumers of these drugs have dealt with the increase of price for many years. The author of this article, Robert Klitzman, is a psychiatric professor and head of Masters of Bioethics at Columbia University and has many years for research in this subject. The author has past information about the cost of medications that drug companies across America produce and has a strong opinion on what an ethical cost of medication is. This article is often connected to the United States Healthcare system and how it is conforming to patients needs.
