Monday, August 29, 2016

Izzy Brown - Ryan Lochte charged for lying to authority

Summary: Ryan Lochte first told the press that he and 3 other swimmers (Gunnar Bentz, Jack Conger and James Feigen) were robbed and held at gun point. Actual video evidence shows that he was drunk with the other Olympic swimmers and vandalized a gas station. The other 3 swimmers have told their side of the story, which was different than what Lochte had told the NBCs broadcast prior. He is being charged for falsely reporting a crime and instead of doing time in Rio jail, he will pay a pricey fine and do community service. Lochte will face the consequences of over exaggerating and lying.

Analysis/Synthesis: The article "Ryan Lochte charged by Brazilian authorities" was written by  Shasta Darlington and Steve Almasy on August 26, 2016. The authors didn't seem biased in their writing to me. They didn't write in a way that made it seem what Lochte did was okay or bad; just letting the reader know what happened and what's going to happen with Lochte. I had heard of this story from my dad and it was nice to read into it for myself instead of going off on what someone else told me. This misconduct will leave a bad impression on the US and how other countries will view us. Even though this is an embarrassment I'm glad it's being addressed and not left under the rug. This is event is similar to the Lance Armstrong Tour de France incident. He was caught in a lie and forced to face the consequences. Armstrong's friends told their side of the story similar to what Bentz, Conger, and Feigen did. This huge lie ruined Armstrong's future career and Lochte too will face a similar repercussion.



  1. This is such a shame. It is time that people pay the consequences for lying to authorities and also getting away with crimes they've committed.

  2. I think Lochte was trying to get his name in the news above Michael Phelps for once by exaggerating his story. I guess he got the news coverage he wanted but for all the wrong reasons! That's what you get for lying to authorities.
