Monday, August 29, 2016

Maggie Gibson "US welcomes its 10,000th Syrian Refugee ahead of schedule"

Summary: The Obama administration set a target of admitting 10,000 Syrian refugees into the US by October 1, however, the 10,000th Syrian refugee is to arrive in Monday afternoon, more than a month ahead of schedule. This action is to show how the United States and the Obama administration care about humanitarianism on a worldwide scale, and how they want to help. Some people doubt the logistics and safety of this, and have expressed concern about ISIS exploiting refugee flow. State department officials still continue to admit refugees at the same rate, saying that they are heavily screened.
Analysis: This article was written to inform the reader, the intended audience being a U.S. citizen, about the humanitarian efforts made towards refugees in the United States. It tries to dispel any fear of exploitation of the State department's kindness towards accepting refugees, stating that refugees are heavily screened. This shows that immigration is a good thing and is looked upon in a positive light, and it's helping people out worldwide to live better lives, without concerning our own safety. This fear of immigrants the article is trying to dispel is similar to xenophobia spread throughout United States history, with bias and prejudice against those not of white European descent or Christian, such as Operation Wetback in the 1950's, a program that deported Mexican immigrants, or the Jim Crow laws that oppressed African American people in the early half of the twentieth century.


  1. this is really cool that they set a goal for the amount of people that they wanted to come to the United States. This may really help people who are concerned with immigration and how it may effect the US.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Interesting how it sheds a positive light on immigration. Oftentimes today that is not the case, especially when it comes to certain presidential candidates... Immigration was also regarded negatively during the industrial revolution in America, when the Irish potato famine sent countless immigrants to the US in search of jobs. German families also immigrated here during this time, more specifically to the midwest in search of religious freedom and a fresh start. Both groups of immigrants meant an increase in the work force without the jobs to compensate, meaning that many were left jobless and wages lowered tremendously.

  4. So many people are worked up about refugees coming to America because they are afraid of the unknown. These people have come to seek a safe and stable environment. Americans are opposed to this because of the refugees religions or races but we have to remember that under all of these characteristics we identify ourselves with, we are human beings. We need to accept and embrace them with open arms, because it was only about 400 years ago that our ancestors were seeking refuge in America. We must remain humble and remember where we came from, and we must understand these refugees situations.

  5. While I realize that some people are afraid that ISIS will further enter the country through those entering the US, I trust the government's screening system. Thousands of refugee family lives have been saved and have been given a safe place to stay here while their home country is torn apart. As more people enter the US hopefully people will not become afraid of those unlike them and welcome the positive effects that can come with an influx of immigration.
