Monday, August 29, 2016

Trinity Bella Hawkins 6th Period: "Our Diversity Isn't Looking Very Diverse"

Summary: In this article, a young writer from Affinity Magazine talks about how a vast majority of the "diversity" that you find in movie and television are not very diverse in what they show. The television shows that you watch on Netflix or Hulu or Amazon usually have one woman of color. And that's it. These women usually look a certain way too; lighter skin, straight, hair thin. In the piece, the write talks about how this isn't an accurate portrayal of POC and women in general. This piece is majorly a think piece on how problematic this is and why it is important that we see other stories and visions of women of color.

Analysis: This article really got me, because as a young woman of color these portrayals are all that I see in my world. These are also all that my children will see as they will be people of color also. For the next generation to see themselves and see accurate representation portrayals of their lives and families is so vitally important that something must be done.

Synthesis: (!!!!!) The most accurate synthesis has happened pretty recently, but this type of racism/colorism has been happening ever since the first black person arrived on the boat to the Americas and became an enslaved African. During the Jim Crow Era, there was such a thing as a brown paper bag test where a brown paper lunch bag was held up to a black persons face to see if they were darker or lighter; this test was used to administer admittance to a club, the courthouse, and/or an office building or restaurant.

1 comment:

  1. This was on point. It is so very true about colorism and non diversity in the entertainment field. Also I remember learning about the paper bag test which is beyond crazy. Furhermore I hope that the entertainment industry will give way more opportunities for different sizes, shapes, and especially skin tones of POV!
