Monday, August 29, 2016

Kiri Luckey

There has been some confusion over the purpose of U.S. Education Systems. They are questioning the policies they've used these past 16 years are really want parents want to see. Poll shows that 45% of respondents thought the most important goal of education should be to prepare the students academically. The rest debated between preparing the kids for work or preparing them for good citizenship. They are starting to believe that the best way to improve poor schools is by closing them all. 84% believe the best way to improve a poor school is to replace the teachers.



  1. We really need to look into our education system. America is falling behind from the rest of the world. It is good that we keep debating ways to improve our schools, as many good ideas have been presented, because weneed to rethink our education system. After all, our future generation depends on our school system in order to learn and be prepared as our future leaders

  2. Nice post, Kiri. I feel the only reason our educational system is falling short now, is because there is so much government involvement geared towards "testing" and not educating and preparing students for the future. Replacing teachers is directly related to students not scoring 'high enough' on the state mandated tests.
