Monday, December 11, 2017

Jeson Aviles - Worms Born in ‘Mars Soil’ For the First Time

   As time continues, humanity strives to create plans and back up plans for the survival of mankind. Mars, the 4th planet from the sun, has increasingly become accepted as a possible planet of refuge for humanity. Actions such as Martian habitat ideas and agricultural processes have taken place in order to ensure survival of the humans who would venture to live on the Red Planet. Pig feces has been used as fertilizer as substitute for human feces.
   A discovery of the first reproduction on a Martian environment (though a simulation) occurred when the team conducting these experiments found teeny earthworm offspring in the thriving plant pots. It was then confirmed that the addition of these worms allowed water to reach further into the soil. The Mars mission is accompanied with plans and experiments to produce food upon the Moon, as well.

Published by Good News Network on December 3, 2017.
Honestly, scientific advances involving outer areas from the planet earth and outer space in general is fascinating to me. These advances will serve us in the future and the present to further understand our planet in it's processes and comparisons to other planets in the vast universe.

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