Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Sophia AI by Jules Stowe

Artificial Intelligence has always been the works of science fiction. Until now. Hanson Robotics has just created possibly the most advanced pieces of robotics the world has ever seen, Sophia. Sophia is a humanoid robot that has been shown to express her individual emotions, and even joke. She can carry on simple conversations without fault and mimic other peoples facial expressions. Sophia has been on many different talk shows and interviews, even claiming for equal gender rights in Saudi Arabia.

This is hugely important because this is basically our future! the civil rights movement of the millennial generation is going to be robot rights, and i think it is important we prepare for that. Robots are becoming more and more advanced every single day. Bina48 is a robot that has hours upon hours of thoughts, opinions, and memories programmed into her head. Shes even shown guilt and inferiority about not being the original, human, Bina. The future is robotics and this is a huge deal to history.



  1. This is honestly scary because out future gen in trouble! We can't trust robots!

  2. If artificial intelligence has a larger sense of humanity than us, that's saying a lot about a large retrograded chunk of us.

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  5. This is crazy. It will be interesting to see what our world will be like in the future.

  6. Dear god. Terminators! XD. LOL. It's crazy to see that it took so long for the car to be developed, but then tanks were built soon after that. Then soon after, the atomic bomb, then computers, and now robots. Jesus.

  7. I have no idea how to feel about Sophia, because this really is an amazing achievement, but robots becoming more powerful that humans is definitely possible. I guess we’ll just see how this works out
