Monday, December 11, 2017

A 2 Degree execution -Dajia Y. Dominguez

Now this is a matter of All Lives Matter. Another unarmed man executed by the hands of a police officer. Ex- mesa officer , Philip Brailsford claims that Daniel Shaver was reaching for a gun while screaming ," DONT SHOOT". You have to be some kind of special dumb to mix " DONT SHOOT" with reaching for a gun. Brailsford shot 5 rounds in Daniel Shaver, instantly killing him. The stupid jury acquitted Brailsford of 2nd degree murder and manslaughter when in reality he should be facing life.
#DanielShaver should be alive and so many of the others that were killed by the brutality of police officers.

1 comment:

  1. Okay. All police officers aren't bad. Like those in the Dallas Sniper Fire Incident and the recent attempted bombings in New York. Those police officers didn't hesitate to go in there when they knew there was a bomber in there. The police officers in Dallas died trying to protect protesting people from anything that might have caused harm. Even though the sniper was specifically targetting cops. It's just those select few that ruin the police officers' reputations.
