Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Kayla Moore: 'One of our attorneys is a Jew"


Saying, "One of our ______ is ____(insert minority group here!" is like saying "Oh, it's okay that I kiss my dog, my cat told me its okay!"

People have been using this excuse for a long time, trying to cover up their painfully wrong actions.


  1. Honestly, what is wrong with that? What is so wrong about your atourney being a Jew? Racism is an idea based on the idea white people are superior. They're not SO STOP WITH THE STUPID RACISM.

  2. l agree. We have been through this racism thing a million times and there are still people who disrespect others of a different race.

  3. I recently heard Adam Sandler sing a song about being Jewish on the radio, and I wasn't aware of why until now. Maybe it was also for fun, but I think certain people need to get over the fact that we live in a diverse society that will continue to change.
