Monday, December 11, 2017

Starving Polar Bear-Ashley Neece

Group Sea Legacy arrived on Baffin Island. There they recorded a video of a starving polar bear crawling across the ground. The polard bear has nothing left but sagging skin and is even scene tash eating out of a rusty bairral. The team knew that there was nothing they could do so they filmed the sad site and shared it with the world as a call to acction. Just like the many abolistionist they new they had to reach the world through some form of media, theirs in this modern time just happened to be video.
Picture of underwater view of a polar bear swimming
Picture of underwater view of a polar bear swimming


  1. oh my gosh :(( hopefully organizations and humanity as a whole actually work towards preserving and bettering the environment.

  2. NOOOOO! WHYYY? WHY YOU TELL US ABOUT SUCH A SAD EVENT? ;-; This event is very sad and horrible. How could such a thing occur? Oh wait, that was our fault as humans wasn't it.
