Monday, December 11, 2017

Space-Ashley Mendoza

         President Trump signed a new directive that will further administration for future missions on the Moon and Mars.This means the Innovative space exploration program will send astronauts back to the moon and, at some point, the Moon. The reason for this being that the president wants to 'dream big' though the vice-president want for America to be leading in space.
         This makes me curious as to how these two are planning on carrying on thee ideals and why they're showing a sudden interest in space.Like how Andrew Johnson had a seriocomedy going on about congress, it's just weird.


  1. I agree with the missions to mars, but the moon is a lost cause. We've been there already. Move on.

  2. There can be larger discoveries and advances in the same spot, even if we've already been to the moon. They're the closest solid ground masses to Earth.
