Sunday, December 17, 2017

Kathryn Hine- California Fire: Neighborhood looks like war zone, resident says

A fire in Southern California has been blazing for 13 days, and has lead to countless evacuations. Residents are often being woken up in the middle of the night to be evacuated, and some people leave  had to leave with nothing. In the case of Patricia Rye, a resident of Ventura California for 17 years, she had to leave in the middle of the night with nothing but the clothes she was wearing; she didn’t even have time to bring valuables, her car, or even her wallet. Even zoos had to take precautions. The Santa Barbara zoo moved many of it;s animals to cages for possible evacuation or protection from smoke, and endangered California animals were moved to the Los Angeles Zoo. But luckily, residents of Ventura who had been previously evacuated were allowed to return today.

Being in this situation sounds terrifying. I can’t imagine having to leave my home in the middle of the night with nothing, not knowing if anything would be intact when I came back. My heart goes out to all of the residents in the affected areas, and I hope that the fire will be fully contained soon.

This fire and hurricane Harvey have a lot of similarities. Many people were not fully aware of how bad the situation was, so they had to pack up and leave with not much notice.

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