Monday, December 11, 2017

Zoe Nguyen- A huge part of Antarctica is melting and scientists say that's bad news

A huge part of Antarctica is melting and scientists say that's bad news

A 300,000 square mile chunk, about 2x the size of California, of Antarctica is melting and it is alarming to scientists. The area was described as “covered in slush” and to be caused by the El Nino in 2016, which is a weather event that brings abnormally warm water to the Pacific ocean. Even stranger occurences, there were records of rain. If the shelves are weakened any more this could be drastic (way more natural disaters). This is absolutely insane. We are polluting the Earth and it’s coming back to destroy the planet and everything on it.


  1. saving the earth should be one of our top priorities as a nation. We can't keep leaving it to the next generation.

  2. Hopefully this will count as the science needed to convince the opposition that climate change is a very real problem that we could actually do something about.

  3. Saving the earth in general is something that should be what we are focusing on.

  4. maaria gonzalez
    we don't really notice how pollution is damaging the world until its beginning to destroy the world at alarming rates

  5. I can’t believe that people still don’t believe in global warming when articles and facts like these are coming out nearly every day. I hope that some time soon the world will be able to unite and save or at least try to fix our planet.
