Sunday, December 17, 2017

Kathryn Hine- UK’s Theresa May ‘will not be derailed’ on Brexit

Last week, lawmakers in the UK decided to make an amendment to the controversial Brexit bill. This amendment means that Parliment will have to have another vote before final deals and withdrawal from the European Union began. This is bad news for Theresa May, the current prime minister who is in favor of Brexit. But she’s vowing not to let this stop her and “prove her doubters wrong.” In the past, May has had problems with these Brexit negotiations because of people in opposing parties, but also within her own party. Despite all of this she believes that she will be able to create a new economic and security relationships through leaving the European Union. Micheal Barnier, the chief Brexit negotiator, however, believes that these negotiations will not be as frictionless and May thinks. He stated in a interview that “Bristish people have to understand that it cannot be business as usual... the clock is ticking.”

I, personally, am not a fan of Brexit because I believe that the UK was better off within the European Union, but I guess I have to give props to Theresa May for never giving up. She is against huge adversity right now and refuses to back down, even if these rescissions were not the best for the country.

Theresa May refusing to back down from this decision is slightly reminsistent of Roy Moore, the loser and pedophile of the Alabama senate race, refusing to concede after the election.


  1. Olivia Wall- I think this relates very much to APUSH because of all the debates that we have had over bills and amendments and I think think that it is important for people to not give up on what they believe.

  2. Honestly, I find your comparison of May to Moore confusing. Hitler refused to back down and so did Gandhi. Not exactly the same thing though.
