Sunday, December 17, 2017

Kathryn Hine- Airplane draws one-of-a-kind Christmas tree in the sky

On Wednesday, an airbus flying out of Hamburg, Germany found a new way to spread Christmas cheer. The passangerless plane created a Christmas tree through drawing patterns that showed up on a radar. The tree was drawn by a Hamburg flight test team, which is a team of pilots who check on planes and take them out for tests to see if they need matinence. 

I think this is a very cute and very creative way to bring holiday cheer into everyday work. The tree is also very well done, so props to the pilot that drew it!

This reminded me of skywriting! People hire pilots to draw or write cute and festive things in the sky and I think it’s very cute.

1 comment:

  1. Olivia Wall- That is a very cool idea, and I think that it created a positive environment for the onlookers.
