Monday, May 26, 2014

Wiz Khalifa tweets jail selfie by Joi Ware

Summary: This famous rapper was arrested on Sunday morning at a Texas airport for having a green leafy substance found in his bags during security check. The young rapper seemed to be very chill about the situation as he tweeted a picture of himself captioned "jail selfie." He also tweeted a picture of a barred door saying "Free Trap Wiz." His fans quickly made the caption into a hashtag and made it go viral, of course. The rapper was released a few hours later after being charged with possession of .5 grams of weed.

Analysis: Haahahahaahahahhahaahahahaa<------Im just so done with school and so delirious that I'm laughing so hard at society. Talk about making the best out of situation, Wiz Khalifa is the king. This jsut shows the special treatment that celebrities are given even in our justice system. Although, I read a comment on the article that a man said he was given his phone in holding and hes not a celebrity. Not sure how trust worthy this is considering hes been taken to jail and it was for possession of weed. The mystery will have to remain.

For the full story visit,


  1. LOL. But seriously though .5 grams? Okay. Well if they say so. I totally enjoy the fact that he most certianly can make the best out of a heavy situation.

  2. comment by rhyann lee I think this is hilarious because wiz khalifa has no care in the world
