Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Video Rant, Then Deadly Rampage in California Town" (Melissa Kurtzman, 5th Period)

Summary: On Friday night, a UC Santa Barbara student went on a terror rampage and shot 6 students and wounded 13 others. Elliot O. Rodgers recorded a video of himself speaking about his rage towards women that had rejected him and then posted them on YouTube. After he open fired on bystanders in the town, he crashed his BMW into a parked car and was found with a bullet wound to his head. In the video, he said that it would be the final video he would post and that the next day would be a "day of retribution".

Analysis: This entire incident is extremely upsetting. It's crazy that this guy would go on this kind of rampage just because s few girls said they didn't want to go out with him. My heart goes out to the families of the victims.



  1. Its really sad when stuff like this happens.

  2. It never fails to shock me whenever I hear stories like this.

  3. This is very upsetting. What's worse is that police almost went into his apartment before this happened, but they couldn't because it was just a request by his parents to see if he was okay. Apparently, he had also stated that he would not have done this if the police had gone into his apartment.
