Monday, May 26, 2014

Parents, beware: These are the 100 deadliest days for teens by Joi Ware

Summary: Memorial day kicks off the start of 100 deadliest days for teens. From Memorial Day to Labor Day last year, over 1000 people were killed in car crashes involving teens and about 550 of them were teens. More teens drive during the summer and most likely its more recreational then purposeful. Researchers are finding out that passengers might have a bigger risk on teens than texting and driving. Passengers increase the risk for a crash by 44%.

Analysis: As a driver I've never thought of the risk that passengers present, but now looking back on it I can see how it can be a problem. When you're alone you tend to only focus on the road but with many passengers you can get distracted easily with loud conversations and etc. In Texas, in your first year of driving you're only allowed to have one friend passenger and I believe up to two family members. This means at any point in time you could have three extra people at a time and I say thats a lot for first year drivers. Driving can be a very scary experience especially when not cautious of other crazy drivers!!

For the full story visit,


  1. I had never thought about when the most dangerous time of year to drive would be. I'm planning on getting my license this summer, so I'll have to be extra careful!

  2. This is an interesting tidbit of information.
