Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Leslie Kelly: Skirts Should Be a Normal Choice…for Both Women and Men

In Nantes, France, male students and teachers alike came to school in skirts as a campaign against sexism displayed towards their female counterparts. The "Lift the Skirt" movement rocked conservative citizens of France, who, of course, found it scandalous and ridiculous. Even here at Booker T., the idea of seeing a person usually perceived as male wearing a skirt draws less-than-fuzzy feelings. Even the idea of seeing a male wearing short shorts, which are just now starting to circulate in mainstream men's fashion, is ludicrous for many people. But have you ever wondered why? Have you never thought about the fact that women wearing pants had the same reactions and was just as radical? And yet nowadays it's perfectly acceptable. I applaud these guys who participated in Lift the Skirt. They're not even doing it to liberate their own clothing, they're doing it to liberate their female classmates. But they've also helped to bring this issue to light. When you think about it, fashion is becoming more androgynous every day and the whole skirt thing is just one more step towards non-gender-specific fabulousness. Now, I know that not everyone is on board with that, but all I ask of you is that the next time you want to talk about a boy behind his back for wearing a skirt and pumps, the next time you give the girl who happily chopped her long locks off funny looks, just remember that it's all the same thing as me wearing jeans.

Who's the girl anyhow? And who even cares?



  1. Well, remember women did not always wear pants. This debate now about men wearing skirts is just like when women started wearing pants - it eventually was accepted. I have a feeling that this will happen with the whole skirt debacle too (although it will probably take more time to, since the patriarchy prefers men to be as 'manly' as possible, and skirts are gendered as feminine.)

  2. everyone should just wear skorts
