Monday, May 26, 2014

"99-Year-Old Maine Woman Receives College Diploma 75 Years Later" - Camille Farrar

            Jessie White, a 99-year-old woman, should have received her college diploma from Beal College in Bangor 75 years ago in 1939. However, after putting herself through the necessary courses to receive the degree using only the $500 her uncle gave to her, White was unable to afford the $5 diploma fee. One of White’s friends discovered this recently and contacted the college, which was more than willing to give White her much deserved diploma. White said it was more exciting to wait this long. The diploma was printed with her maiden name, as it would have been had she received it in 1939.
            I thought this was a very sweet story. It’s sad to think that something as little as a $5 fee kept this woman from having her college diploma for all this time. I thought it was incredible that White was able to get a degree for only $500. Prices have increased tremendously, and it is becoming increasingly harder for families to shoulder the cost of a higher education. I hope universities realize how difficult it is to afford this level of education and do everything they can to help students that want to work afford the education they should be privy to.


  1. Wow! That's really amazing - but why did she wait until she was that old?

  2. Remember that five dollars in 1939 was valued differently. Adjusted with inflation, the fee might not seem so insignificant.

  3. This is a sweet story. Like Meg said, 5 dollars would have been worth more than it is now, especially with the great depression still going on in 1939.
