Tuesday, May 20, 2014

9/11 Memorial Museum's gift shop sparks outrage, Ashley Barnes 2nd

A gift shop was opened up on Wednesday in the 9/11 Memorial Museum. Along with the gift shop, people have to pay 24 dollars to to enter the Museum. There has been some controversy on the involvement of money with the museum. Some families of those who died in 9/11 are angered that money and business is are the result of their loved one's death. However, some claim that the money made from the gift shop and tickets will help keep the museum running. Another issue with the museum is that thousands of unidentified remains of people were buried inside the museum. Therefore, the public has to pay money to visit those who died in 9/11. Some public opinion thinks that these remains should be moved to a public place, where they can be respected without payment.

I can understand why this situation would make people upset. Trying to make money off of a terrible crisis doesn't seem very respectful. However, people have to understand that somehow the workers of the museum have to make a living. I don't know what the right answer is; but I do think that if the families of the victims are upset that something should be changed. Also, I think anyone should be able to visit the remains of those who died.



  1. I understand why they charge money, but I do agree that they should move the remains to somewhere public so they can be remembered without having to be charged.

  2. Byron Otis-It is a fine line that they walk there, between solemnity and commercialism. I hope that the tragedy is not exploited, but I also think that it can be both a profitable and commemorative.

  3. I agree that people shouldn't profit off of the murder of others but if they say it's to keep the museum It's understandable.

  4. I don't really know what the right answer is in this situation but I understand both sides. Out of respect, the remains should probably be moved somewhere else but I also understand that money is needed to keep the museum running.

  5. It's understandable why the gift shop is there; the remains, not so much. Why can't the families of victims have them instead? I'm pretty sure I'd rather have ownership rights to my dead family instead of a public institution.

  6. They should only charge money to keep the museum open and pay employees, not for profit. I think it would probably be for the best if the bodies are moved. Otherwise won't family members have to pay to visit the deceased?
