Monday, May 19, 2014

'Mandatory vagina inspection' letters grace Prior Lake mailboxes Tyra Harris, 5th period

Summary: Someone associated with Prior Lake High School delivered about 50 handwiritten letters to female student mailboxes, stating that they must attend a "mandatory vagina inspection". Students have described it as "one epic prank". Principal Dave Lund addressed the letter, sending an email to parents saying the school is aware of the letter and will be “addressing the issue internally” .
A replica of the letter
Part of the letter reads:
To all female students at Prior Lake High School:
The district is required to conduct a mandatory vagina inspection on all female students at Prior Lake High School in accordance with Minnesota Health Code 69. End-of-the-year vagina inspections will occur in the Blue Gym. The mandatory health inspections will be conducted Friday, May 23, 2014 promptly at 8:05 a.m. Make ups will occur the following week on Tuesday, May 26, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. All students who have not already completed a vagina inspection MUST attend one of these two mandatory sessions. Students will be excused from any classes they miss in order to attend an inspection.
Analysis: This letter is very distasteful. I wonder how students got 50 student addresses. I recently did a current event on a senior prank in which students broke into the school. I thought that was bold, but this letter takes it to another level. It was a smarter prank too becuase the perpertrator can't be identified.  However, the seniors could have come up with a more appropriate prank that doesn't offend others.



  1. This is absolutely ridiculous! I would be extremely unhappy if I received a letter like this. I hope the school is able to address the issue like the principal said they would.

  2. Totally disgusting. If it were mandatory penis inspections the country would be in a bigger uproar.
