Monday, May 19, 2014

Treatment For Cancer At Your Home? - Victor Ragsdale - 4th Period

A Cancer Treatment in Your Medicine Cabinet? - Victor Ragsdale 4th Period 

     So scientists are beginning to speculate that a treatment against breast cancer may exist, and could be located in the home of most Americans: aspirin. But, the possibility has yet to receive formal research until Cancer Research UK announced its research project that would culminate in 2025. So why the long wait? Aspirin is a cheap drug that's very accessible to the public, making the drug unprofitable unlike the expensive multi-thousand dollar procedures used for cancer treatment. So once again, America is only in it for the money. Not even surprised. C'mon 'Murica! 


Victor Ragsdale - 4th Period


  1. If they won't do it, then I think a private benefactor should do the research instead.

  2. That is so interesting. I have aspirin in my house right now. Hopefully, they wont try to take it away just for the sole purpose of research.
