Thursday, May 15, 2014

Two boys who fell from bounce house recovering from serious injuries - Alix Kast

Two boys in upstate New York were recovering this Wednesday, after they fell almost two stories, when a gust of wind blew the bounce house they were in up into the air. The bounce house was lifted between 15 and 20 feet into the air. The bounce house had been properly staked to the ground, and adults had been watching when the incident occurred. A young girl was also injured, but not seriously. A study by the Ohio-based Nationwide Children's Hospital showed that bounce house injuries rose %1,500 between 1995 and 2010. Between 2008 and 2010, the rate of injuries almost doubled. There are no national safety guidelines for bounce houses.

This whole story was pretty wild. It sounds like a children's movie turned into a horror film. This reminds me of a satirical passage we read in Ms. Chapman's class about the perils of pinatas. Maybe that passage should have been about the perils of bounce houses. It sounds like the children's injuries were not serious enough to have long lasting effects, and hopefully they will heal. It definitely sounds like there need to be more safety regulations on bounce houses. It is sad that this happened, but it wasn't anyone's fault. It was just a freak accident.

1 comment:

  1. Tyra Harris, 5th period

    Woah. I hope they have a speedy recovery.
