Sunday, April 30, 2017

Townley Jordan: Spaying/Neutering Rise Leads to Shelter Populations Lowered

Summary: In the U.S., the amount of spray or neutering procedures as outreach and subsidization programs has shot greatly upwards. According to the Alliance for Contraceptives for Cats and Dogs, there are currently about 12.6 million spay/neuter surgeries performed on cats and dogs every year. Cat reproduction rates can be significantly higher than dog rates, making it necessary for them to get surgery in a timely manner. Many cities have cat sterilization programs that spay or neuter feral cats, helping to lower the number of cats outside human care. The rise in spay and neutering numbers resulted in the drop in shelter animal intakes in the U.S. According to the ASPCA, there were about 7.2 million intakes in 2011, compared to 6.5 million intakes in 2015, a 10% drop in a four-year time span.

Analysis: I found this article on a website full of uplifting news because I think it is important to sometimes take a step back from the sadness and pain that fills the world and see that there is good as well. I think it is so great that the rise in spay/neutering led to a drop in the amount of cats being taken into animal shelters. If we continue to work at this, we could lower the number even more drastically so that there would be more room for lost pets etc. It would also be beneficial because there would be less stray cats roaming the streets.


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