Saturday, April 22, 2017

Grace Schwall- Earth Day Protests

This Saturday morning, Earth Day, scientists in Washington DC protested the insensitive stance the Trump administration has taken towards environmental and STEM related issues. Washington has not taken action to reduce the effects of climate change and has taken the point of view that it doesn't exist. This is very concerning to many scientists. Another concern was the possible defunding of some educational STEM programs that are used to teach students across the nation.

This article was written by Nicholas St. Fleur from the NY times. In this time of technological advancement it is extremely important for the US to be advancing STEM programs at the rate of the rest of the world. Climate change is also an issue that is steadily getting worse as time progresses. If nothing is done about it the earth will suffer. I think it's good that scientists are taking a stand and encouraging the government to be more sensitive to STEM issues. This protest is similar to that of scientists during the Cold War protesting the development of nuclear weapons.


  1. I love this! I think it's so important for people to start standing up for the environment.

  2. This is such a great idea! Climate change is real and it needs attention!
