Monday, April 24, 2017

Anna Czyzewski - Confederate Memorial Day

Summary: Almost 152 years ago, the Civil War was fought over the institution of slavery in the U.S. Today, in Southern states such as Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia, a state holiday was celebrated in honor of the "four-year struggle for states' rights, individual freedom and government control." While many of these "holidays" gained controversy, the individuals in charge of the celebration state that it is a time to learn from past mistakes and to honor the Southern heritage.

Analysis: These explanations by the state governments are blatant lies that are being used to try to cover up the unapologetic racism still prevalent in America today. The people fighting for the Confederate were racist-- that was their whole thing. Celebrating their racism is not the way to reflect on our mistakes. If we keep honoring these people, then we will never learn and history is destined to repeat itself, and it seems it may already be happening.



  1. I definitely believe that this day should be remembered so that we do not repeat the past, but I definitely think that there should not be any celebrating.

  2. i agree with Sarah! It is not ok to celebrate racism in America but instead we should work on fixing it.

  3. I also agree, there should be no celebrating but learn from past mistakes.
