Monday, April 24, 2017

Kate Pinkerton - Is Trump going to build the wall?

Summary - While President Trump gave mixed information about the wall bordering Mexico and the United States his administration assured that the wall would be funded. If the Wall isn't funded there would we a government shutdown. Trump and his administration were also pushing for tax and healthcare reforms, wanting to get rid of Obamacare, but they have stopped rushing to try and get reforms passed. Soon is the when the government spending budget is due and it is still unclear as to if the healthcare reforms made in Obama's presidency would remain and if the wall is going to have funding left over.

Analysis - I am glad that they are second guessing their decision to build a wall. While the idea of building a wall in general is a terrible idea and based on racist values, it is also financially impractical to build a wall across the entire US-Mexico border in order to keep people out. In my opinion the ones who already breaking the law will continue to do so despite there being a wall, and the rest of the people coming to the states who were good hardworking people will be locked out of our country.

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