Monday, April 24, 2017

Chloe Dupuy- Australian Researchers discover dying coral Reef

Summary: Coral Ree has been found due to Coral Bleaching.

 Analysis: Australian researchers have discovered that the Great Barrier Reef is actually dying out in the Northern region. Scientists have said that the cause is something called Coral Bleaching. Its where coral Starts to lose its vibrant color and most of the algae dies out. This can result after things like conditions of habitat, rising water temperatures and climate changes. Scientists also say that the bleachings always happen in the Northern region and that they fear one may soon occur during the long period of recovery. There was actually some good news  on Monday, that only 6% of the central region is bleached, and that only 1% died off.

Synthesis: We have yet to discover many parts of many bodies of water. Even though there is little we can do to protect it all, we still do our best as a country to protect it. Oceans and others bodies of water have been used since you and I can remember for things like transportation and shipping.

Source: play newsstand app

1 comment:

  1. Kiri Luckey: This is very interesting we do need to do everything in our power as a communtity to help keep as much as possible of the reef alive.
