Monday, April 24, 2017

Jay'La Sims - George HW Bush still in hospital; George W Bush visits

SUMMARY: Former President George HW Bush got a hospital visit from another former president - his son. A photograph was posted on Bush's Twitter account Thursday, showing him with former President George W Bush. 'Big morale boost from a high level delegation,' the caption read. 'No father has ever been more blessed, or prouder.' Both were smiling as the elder Bush spent another day at a Houston hospital where he's under observation after recovering from a mild case of pneumonia.Family spokesman Jim McGrath reports no changes Thursday for the 92-year-old Bush. On Wednesday, Bush was said to be gaining strength and in good spirits.

ANALYSIS: George HW Bush has such a funny face. Literally google his face it's the only reason I'm doing this article. Why is his mouth open? He looks confused but contempt and honestly #mood. It's actually super adorable like that photo of him and bill Clinton with socks. It's not that he looks happy in it but he's not even looking at the camera his mouth is just open with a wide look in his eyes. It's nice to know he's friends with Bill Clinton too like wow you lost the 1992 reelection due to him what a good sport George is. Jeb Bush isn't anywhere in this article but I'm sure no one cares. Poor Jeb I feel like no one cares about him ever. Anyways this can connect to presidents dying or whatever.

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