Monday, January 30, 2017

Kiri Luckey:

Student Bullied on School Bus for Wearing 'Make America Great Again' Hat

A 12-year-old student from the St. Louis area was bullied for wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat on the school bus. Cellphone video obtained by KMOV shows a group of students ganging up on the boy and yelling about President Donald  proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall. It appears some punches were thrown. Cortina said she is outraged that her son was suspended in the aftermath of the incident, though he was the victim. "I saw him being berated and bullied and beat, literally beat, because he feels strongly about the world today," the sixth-grader's mother Christina Cortina told KMOV. A representative for the Parkway School District said all students involved in the attack have faced "consequences" following a full investigation.

Synthesis: This is so sad! We all have the freedom of speech so just because you don't agree with someone else's opinion doesn't give you the right to bully them or  talk badly about that person. The boy is only twelve and probably doesn't understand all the details of what all is exactly happening all he knows is that Trump keeps saying "Lets make America great again".

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