Monday, January 23, 2017

Mollie Hamman - 1st Period - Southern Storm Kills 19 People

This last weekend a total of 19 people were killed by the tornados in the South in Georgia and Mississippi. Many trailers were thrown up in the air and came crashing down destroying property and killing people. What's left of the areas is in rubble, and President Trump responded by saying, "The tornados were vicious and powerful and strong and they suffered greatly, so we'll be helping out." A mobile home park in Cook County is where most of the deaths occurred. Emergency teams are still searching for survivors, but until then people in those areas are warned to take shelter if necessary.

I think that this is a terrible tragedy that has happened, and like after all bad things there needs to be a rebuilding of it. These people need help getting their homes back and going back to the way things were. I think this can parallel to the reconstruction time of America where they were trying to rebuild their nation.

A house that was cut in half by a tornado near were seven people were killed outside Adel, Georgia


  1. With all of the man-made troubles happening right now, it sucks that we also must deal with issues that we can't control. This situation is really sad and I wish we could help.

  2. I agree with Linnea! It's hard when something we can't control takes place, and we sort of just have to do the best that we can to fix it! Also, I hope that they are able to find more survivors and save those that need help!

  3. wow, its terrible to hear that things like this collide to only form a bigger mess. i hope there is more survivors found and help is given.
