Sunday, January 29, 2017

Kate Pinkerton - DFW Airport detainees released

Summary - President Donald Trump signed an order recently that banned people from 7 countries that were mainly Muslim from coming to the United States. People who were already on their way over to the Unites States when the executive order was made were stuck in a limbo once they got to the States. People showed up at DFW airport to protest these people being detained. Lawyers were also there fighting for the rights of the immigrants. While trump is allowed to stop people from coming to the US, people argued that these people had a right to  be here because they had already done their paperwork to be here legally.

Analysis - This article was written by Jake Young. The authors points of view is not very biased but is in favor of those who were coming to the United States, not President Trump. Someone had shown me earlier a chart about the countries he had banned from and of the 7, not one person from there had committed a terrorist attack, while people from countries that had previously had terrorists come from there were not banned. Most of the countries with no ban are ones that Trump has business in, which goes to show that while he is xenophobic he still cares about money. This is like when the US began to limit immigration from certain parts of Asia and Europe, or like the Gentlemen's Agreement.

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