Saturday, January 28, 2017

Syrian Christian family, visas in hand, turned back at airport- Kyla Thomas (1st Period)

Summary: The main idea of this article is a Christian Syrian family who was on their way to visit their family in the United States. Because of President Donald Trump's recent signing off on how citizens from Syria couldn't come to the United States, the family was immediately turned around and told to go back to where they came from. This is a new law that was just passed. They were to come to the United States after 15 years to visit their family and because of their language barrier, they were unable to contact those family members. This sickened the mayor and he said, " It makes me so sad that this great country is doing this to our Christians and to these people and to my family."

Analysis: This is extremely sad. This is a classic case of racial profiling or judging just based off of where someone comes from. This was a Christian family who's intentions seemed to be just simply visiting family. Trump and many others need to know that not all people of a certain race are bad people. This reminds me of whats currently going on today in the black community. Black boys and girls everyday are profiled and stereotyped to being violent, intolerable and uneducated individuals. This racism is displayed when police somehow manage to not shoot white people and other races that aren't minority races everyday. Not all black people are bad and not all white people are good. Americans and people all over the world need put an end to racial profiling. It's not ok.



  1. This story makes me so sad and I wish there were smarter decisions made about the laws regarding to who can move to America!

  2. I agree with Emma, because yes as a nation we need to be careful about who we let in but we are also the nation of liberty and others should come here for peace.

  3. It is so unfair that this is happening. It is not logical or fair, it is profiling these people based on their nationality and the stereotypes that come with it. Not every Christian is a member of the KKK, actually a very small percent. Just like a very small percent of Muslims are terrorists. If we stereotyped and banned every one based on possible dangerous things that could come from their religion, nationality, sexuality, and gender, there would be pretty much no one left.
