Sunday, January 29, 2017

Devyn Lemack- Floating Trash

  The great Pacific Garbage Patch is a trouble spot for marine waste created by the spiral currents of the North Pacific Gyre and has been described as the Floating Trash Island the size of Russia. Filmmaker, Jo Ruxton, visited the location and said the water looked clear and blue, but when she put her net in the water, her net was completely full of pieces of plastic. The pieces of trash are very small and researchers have found 750,000  microplastic pieces per square kilometer in the Garbage Patch, and the marine life is riddled with them. She also said this is way worse than a huge mountain of trash which can physically be removed, unlike all of the tiny pieces in the water.

This was posted near the end of 2016 which means it is quite recent and still going on today. Prior to reading this article, I had never heard of that exact location having trash, but i know other locations have as well. This is just awful and the fact that it can be prevented is even worse. Pollution is not a new phenomenon, in fact its been around since 1994 and hopefully soon we can find a way to fix this problem.

1 comment:

  1. What's the language they speak on the garbage island? Trash talk
