Monday, January 23, 2017

Leslie Zaragoza- Trump executive order reverses foreign policy

Within days of his new presidency, the president Donald Trump has signed an executive order to outlaw the federal money from going to international groups such organizations that provide information on abortion.He claims that he'' wants to stand for all Americans, including the unborn'' Many pro-choice supporters are concern with  ''the Mexico city policy'', a policy that requires nongovernmental organizations that receive federal funding to provide abortions services.It's ironical that after two days of the historic women's march the president is trying to repress women, what message is he trying to say?.

The article was written by the BBC news, uses the article to informed the citizens about the current changes in the government and the effect on the people. By banning the federal funding of international groups, the pro-choice supporter, and many feminist feel like they are taking a step back in history towards women's rights.It appears that Donald is determined to make a change in the US government.

1 comment:

  1. I think the actions of our president so far has really put in question if America could ever actually be "great" because like you said it's a huge step backwards.
