Monday, January 30, 2017

Human-pig embryos -maddie gold

Using stem cell technologies, researchers generated human cells and human tissues in the embryos of pigs and cattle. Despite this milestone, integrating cells from human and animal species is proving difficult, and developing human organs remains at a considerable distanc. Though the experiment with human stem cells was interrupted at 28 days, it remains the first reported case in which human stem cells have begun to grow within another species. So it is a small but significant step toward the ultimate goal of growing human organs in animals.

To grow human organs within animal bodies has long been the dream of scientists wanting to provide transplantable hearts, lungs, kidneys and other organs for patients in need. This recent event has shed light on that goal.


  1. Wow! That is so strange. I find it very interesting that they are trying to grow human organs within animal bodies to provide organs for patients in need! This article shows how advanced we have become in the scientific field, and I hope that we can further this research for the future!

  2. I'm not too sure how I feel about this..... I think that this could be the stepping stone for something more drastic.
