Saturday, January 28, 2017

Liam Taylor - Trump Already Banning Immigration?

Summary: Trump has only been in office for...what...8 days? 8 days and he has already begun to place bans on immigration. The first major ban he has placed is against people from the Middle East. He justified this action by saying "This will keep radical Islamic terrorists out of the U.S." I don't believe this is good justification, I just think this is blatant racism. And not only is he shutting down Islams applying for immigration, and Islams with visas already granted have been denied, leaving some stuck and contained in JFK International Airport.

Analysis: CNN is s trusted news source that wrote this article today, January 28th. I don't really know what the main idea of this article, as it is presenting unbiased factual information, but I do think the reason this article is so analytical, showing exact numbers, like estimated millions being denied immigration, it just goes to show how insane Trump's new policies seem to be.outrageous. And if he's so obsessed with deporting immigrants, then shouldn't he deport Melania? He just seems to be obsessed with removing people who do lots for our country, and doesn't seem to realize that not everyone who identifies with Islam is actually not a terrorist.

Synthesis: This reminds me a lot of the Nativists that came about due to the influx of German and Irish immigrants in the 1840's. They were upset that other people were trying to come in and "push them out." Rather, these new people were helping America grow and they were too ignorant to realize it. This is the same thing with Trump, and I wanted to hold on and have faith in him, but after these past 8 days, I don't know if I can, because I think this is very wrong and heartbreaking.


  1. Wow! It's crazy to think about all of the things he's already done as president when you remember he's only been in office for 8 days.

  2. I have heard of people talking about this and agreeing with you guys, its hard to believe these actions.

  3. I can't believe all of the actions he's already done. It seems like it's all spreading hate and I can't even imagine what's coming.

  4. This is so horrible, and it's even more terrifying because according to Kellyanne Conway, "he's just getting started".

  5. I fell Trump enjoys this much power and is defiantly using it horribly. The checks and balances system need to do a better job and stop this.
