Monday, October 29, 2012

MONTHS! After death and actor is still not burried. Dyamand Dillard

Actor, Sherman Hemsley (better known as George off the hit sitcom "The Jeffersons"), dies from his long battle of lung cancer, but he is yet to be burried. He leaves behind the frustration of where his final resting place will be and  $50,000 estate, in which he left to his good friend and buisness partner, Flora Enchinton Bernal, since, Hemsley was neither married nor had any children. This became an issue and quick, because soon after the death of Hemsley a man by the name of, Richard Thoronton claimed to be the brother of Hemsley. This prolonged the final burrial of Hemsley, because they need to take a DNA test. Why this was needed Ido not know because that shouldn't matter he did NOT leave them anything because he did NOT know them, and I'm sure if he did know them he would've leftt them something. I find it funny how now everybody wants to be related to him after he dies, but where were these same people when he was alive and living? I think they're looking for a hand-out because they knew when he was alive he knew they weren't related, and if they are it might be his 6th cousin. In this case blood is not thicker than mud because they are abusing his death and using it as a crutch for money.


  1. There should be no controversy over this. Where did this brother spring from? Where was he all these while? if Sherman did not say where he should be buried, his good friend and biz partner should be the best person to decided this. Where did this Richard spring from? It does not work like that. There is more to this than meets the eyes. His interest is not really the burial, he wants to inherit. There is just no need for court battles and tussles.
