Monday, October 8, 2012

Childs Hands Glued To Wall? By Nyla smith

Right in our backyard, a 2 year old girl was beaten repeatedly in her head and stomach by her mother right here in our beloved city, dallas. However, the beating isnt what caught media attention, the fact that the mother glued her childs hands to the wall is what was seen as cruel and unsual punishment. in persecution for her crimes, the mother will face life in prison and her parental rights are clearly being taken. I join others in the thought that this beating unleashed on a child was sad, childish and absolutely pathetic. i hope that he children find solace in time away from their mentally deranged mother. However, this story does make you wonder, how did someone so dangerous, a repeat offender at that, keep custody of her kids for years, just waitng until something explosive like this would happened.



  1. Delightful story! True enough it is cruel and unusual punishment however different people handle discipline different ways. Maybe, she was raised like that, so therefor she feels like this made her a stronger woman, so therefor tries to enforce this on her cildren. I strongly believe that as the generation changes, so should the disciplinary systems

  2. Man reality is gonna hit that woman hard later on in life.I feel bad for the little girl though innocent children being abused.

  3. why do people like her have kids if they are not going to treat them the way they're supposed to!

  4. That's really sad that a woman would beat her 2 year old child like that I mean how would you look at yourself knowing that you abused the one thing your supposed to love and cherish
