Tuesday, October 23, 2012

CIA Officer Pleads Guilty In Leak - Paolo Buccino

     A former officer for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has plied guilty after being charged with leaking the names of two other agents to journalists. These agents were involved in the interrogation program for high-level Al Qaeda suspects. The officer will be sentenced to 2 and a half years in prison. Back in 2009, lawyers for Al Qaeda suspects were trying to identify the names of CIA interrogators so that they could be brought in as witnesses. This is a problem because revealing the identity of CIA officers puts them at risk of being targeted by terrorists around the world.
    The leakage of classified information can have very bad consequences. This country faces very dangerous threats everyday, and you never know what kind of advantage it could give them. It could even inspire more terrorism.


1 comment:

  1. People often speak without thinking about what the outcome of their words can have. Being a part of the CIA, that person should know the consequences of his words and actions.
