Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Meningitis outbreak in steroid drugs - Paolo Buccino

     There has recently been an outbreak of meningitis across the United States that was linked to a steroid drug used to treat lower back pain. The drug originated from the New England Compound Center in Massachusetts. They have since been raided and shut down by the CDC for investigation. The last I heard on the news is that there is also a criminal investigation to see if anyone deliberately contaminated the shots with things that cause meningitis, or to see if the manufacturing center was following safety laws. Sixteen people have died, and over 200 have been infected.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, that's serious! I hope no one deliberately poisoned the shots. Why would someone do that? And it's sad that that's even a possibility /: Anyway this needs to be solved soon because menigitis is contagious and possibly lethal! And young peoople, LIKE US, are more prone to getting it! :(
