Monday, April 29, 2019

Zander Pryor-Roy Moore

People in politics, particularly those previously involved in controversies, rarely fade away quietly. More often than not, they burn out with the passion of supernovas. Indeed, this appears the case of Roy Moore. He is arguably the reason why there is a Democrat currently representing Alabama in the Senate. He has proven to be incredibly controversial both then and now, given all of his educations of sexual misconduct towards women who were teenagers at the time. After losing his bid, he has kept busy, even teasing a 2020 presidential run. However, that will have to be after his court case. He is currently suing Conan for defamation. He was on for an interview when conan waved a wand over him, proclaiming that it detected perpetrators of sexual assault. The wand beeped.
This reminds me of countless cases as of late. The first one off the top of my head is Samantha Bee apologizing for calling Ivanka Trump a "feckless c**t". With the insane era occurring in front of our eyes, it can feel like comedy writes itself. However, political comedy is always risky and walks a thin thin line which I suspect is why Samantha Bee apologized so promptly. However, in this case, Roy Moore is likely guilty of what he was accused of which might contribute to why there was a court case instead of an apology.

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