Monday, April 29, 2019

Tampax introduces its first organic tampon- adriana chavez

In response to a demand of more eco-friendly ways for women to deal with menstruation, Tampax launched a new organic tampon line that are plant based, and free of dyes, bleaches and fragrances. These new products are also said to provide the same amount of protection as regular tampons. Organic tampons, reusable menstruation cups, and period proof underwear are a few of the innovative ways to cut down on the millions of tons of plastic waste that derives from plastic applicators. Several companies are now pledging to produce eco friendly products, and to aid young women to provide them with period related products.

The prior knowledge I had to this article is that I knew about the innovations companies are starting to introduce to reduce environmental pollution. The invention of a reusable applicator, cloth pads, menstruation cups, and organic tampons have been in stores for the past decade. However, with the current pollution crisis, consumers are now wanting to limit their impact on the environment. Luckily, the sales of these eco-friendly products towards women have increased the past year, and will reduce the amount of plastic waste going into our landfills and oceans.

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