Monday, April 29, 2019

Ellie Colwill - Watch a debate over whether Pluto should get its planet status back

If you're someone who doesn't agree with the with Pluto's planetary demotion from a decade ago, then you'll be surprised to hear about the debate over the definition of the word "planet." Alan Stern, one of Pluto's greatest defenders, is debating against Ron Ekers, who used to be the International Astronomical Union's President, who is also responsible for redefining the term "planet." The 'planet' debate was initially started in 2005, when they found another tiny world about the same size as Pluto. The IAU officially redefined the term "planet" to meet specific criteria: it has to orbit the sun, it has to be rounded out by gravity, and it has to have cleared its orbital neighborhood. 

I would like to relate this to the time that Pluto was first demoted. In 1930, Pluto was first announced as a planet. In 2006, stated by the IAU, Pluto was announced and demoted to be a Dwarf Planet.


  1. I still do not know what part criteria Pluto doesn't meet. I wonder what the original definition of a planet was.

    1. Me too. I remember kids talking about this in Kindergarten and I always wondered what actually determined that it was a dwarf planet. Glad to see that they actually have rules now.
      -Ryan Mecca
