Monday, April 29, 2019

Camille Cole - New Changes Coming for Asylum Laws

Camille Cole - New Changes Coming for Asylum Laws

Summary: Donald Trump has now announced a new plan that is directly targeting the nation’s laws about migrants coming and seeking asylum. It now requires that asylum applications must be adjudicated within 180 days, that there be a fee charged for asylum applications and work permits, and that migrants are barred from getting work authorization if they have or have attempted to enter the United States illegally in the past. It makes the process of applying for asylum significantly more difficult, cutting some migrants off from applying entirely due to the fees.

Analysis: This is absolutely disgusting to me. I don’t understand why people are so averse to people wanting to come here. I understand what some people see on terms of taxes, but honestly its not as big of an issue as everybody makes it seem to be. If people come to the border seeking asylum, then they should not be turned away. They should be allowed to enter this country. If somebody is fleeing something terrible behind them, then who are we to tell them that their problems don’t matter and then we treat them like absolute dirt when they are just as much of a human as us? This reminds me of when after slaves were freed and given the right to vote, they were still kept from voting by poll taxes and literacy tests which is doing essentially the same thing. History repeats.


1 comment:

  1. What is the point of an application if it's very difficult. Congress has to be foolish to let this pass.
