Monday, April 29, 2019

Violet Wiedemer- The Mueller Report

The investigation into Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election has been silently simmering for years now until a few weeks ago, when William Barr revealed that the Muller report had made the statement “no conclusion”. People pushed for the full release of the Muller report and it eventually came out, making it very clear, even through the redactions Barr had made, that “no collusion” was far from true and while the report didn’t charge President Trump of any crimes, he was not exonerated.

This is reminiscent of the Watergate scandal- Richard Nixon was not directly involved in the break in to the Watergate year quarters, rather the cover-up. Nixon would have eventually been impeached had he not resigned from office.

1 comment:

  1. Great connection to the Watergate Scandal. I didn't know that the Mueller Report didn't find anything.
