Monday, April 29, 2019

United Airlines covers controversial seatback cameras- Yesenia Ramirez Monroy

Recently the United Airlines announced that cameras that are located behind each seat will be covered. A spokeswoman than said that the cameras were never taken into use and weren't activated, but that they came included with the manufactured chairs. They also said that in the future they might use it to make video calls, but it hasn't been properly confirmed yet. This was discovered by a passenger in Singapore Airlines in February, when looking at the inflight monitor. They said that these were found on the newer planes and the airline said on Twitter that cameras were in "selected Business, Premium Economy and Economy Class."

This article was written by Michael Hollan on April 29,2019 with the purpose of informing citizens who might take a flight some time soon and could take this into thought.The United Airlines may have taken this person's comment into consideration and towards others that might think that the government might be watching them and decided to take action. They might of also done this with the purpose to avoid people saying that they are being violated their little privacy that they get when on an airplane. This correlates to U.S. history with the creation of the 4th amendment on December 15,1791 which protects people from searching their homes and private property without a search warrant.This was written by James Madison, the "Father of the Constitution" in 1789 as one of the first 10 amendments known as the Bill of Rights.

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