Monday, April 29, 2019

In California, Home to Many Hate Groups, Officials Struggle to Spot the Next Threat- Martina D'Orso

          California is one of the states with the most organized hate groups in the whole United States, with almost any kind of hate group you could think of. However, the shooter of the synagogue in San Diego was not part of any of these groups. Like many other hate crime committers, the shooter of the synagogue in San Diego was a no one, someone who emerged out of practically nowhere after being targeted online and basically convinced to see others in a different way. Monitoring social media, however, is tricky because of our First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech. This impairs the FBI's ability to track terroristic threats and other potential dangers because of the inability to filter these comments.
         The article was written by Shaila Dewan and Ali Winston on April 29, 2019. Before reading the article I had heard about hate crimes such as the San Diego ones and I knew about the people who committed these crimes. However, I did not know how hard it was to regulate the extent of the reach these negative societies have on people on the internet. We can relate this to the New Zealand Mosque Shooting where the perpetrator was also grasped by White Supremacists over the internet. With social media being available to everyone, the world has become much more unsafe with chances of things like these happening with no regulation. Although the FBI should try and regulate these occurrences they also have to make sure they don't impose on First Amendment rights.

1 comment:

  1. It is scary to think, God forbid, that we may have to make a choice between our first amendment rights and our safety, especially in the present, what with hatred of the "other" being so widespread and people cutting the country up into labels to attack.
