Monday, April 29, 2019

49ers draft pick saves man's daughter~ Alle' Holloway

Dad thanks San Francisco 49ers draft pick Dre Greenlaw for ‘risking everything’ to save daughter

Dre Greenlaw, a 21-year-old fifth-round pick, was an underage freshman attending a “kegger” where Gerry Dales said his daughter had become incapacitated. An unfamiliar man “slipped something in her drink. And when that guy tried to steer my daughter out the front door, he stopped the guy and said, ‘She's not going anywhere.’"Which saved his daughters life. The father did not want to mention it publicly before because Greenlaw was underage and did not want him to receive backlash so he waited some years to properly thank him.

The article was written by Stephen Sorace and published April 29th. The actual event occured some time ago, time period not clear, and the father of the victim wanted to send a proper thank you to the 49ers draft pick. This event reminds me of the situation that just occured last week when a women got into a argument and a man, dressed in a bunny suit, hopped in to help defend the women. The article is displaying the mans tweets in hope to make individuals who see injustice do something about it. It also shows men should play apart in protecting women if they are defenseless. 

1 comment:

  1. Kadar Price- The NFL doing something good for a change.
